crossCert – Infographics: Making EPCs attractive
To optimize the influence of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) on energy efficiency, sustainability, and transparency in the built environment, promotion and marketing strategies should be considered an integral part of the policy implementation process
crossCert – Infographics: Adressing the Assessors
The crossCert EPC Assessor’s Journey maps key steps by which they progress in their career. Each step of the journey represents a reflection point to understand the role of EPC Assessors better and search for future improvements to the existing system
crossCert – Infographics: Design Thinking for Impactful & Meaningful Design of EPC Products & Services
This infographic is a valuable tool for understanding and improving Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and their associated systems. It employs design thinking principles to guide stakeholders through a structured, six-step process: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, and Implement
crossCert – Infographics: The People-centred View on the Energy Performance Certificates
This Infographic will help you to get a better idea of what is implied in the process of obtaining an EPC
crossCert – Report on promotion and marketing of EPC products and services
This report focuses on improving the marketing and promotion of EPCs and energy renovations
crossCert – Report on training and education services for certified EPC issuers
This report reviews EPC issuer training schemes in ten European countries, using data from crossCert partners
crossCert – Report on EPC design and user experience
This report summarises the work emanating from Task 5.2 of crossCert, bringing together the results of an end-user survey across European countries and a subsequent workshop investigating user needs for EPCs
crossCert – Report on existing EPC attitudes, expectations and needs
This report provides a fresh perspective on understanding energy performance certificates (EPCs) from a people-centred perspective
crossCert – Specifications for developing an EPC translating tool
This document aims to analyse the integration of EPCs in the Administration databases, identifying the current status of the existing databases and the barriers and challenges still to overcome to achieve fully interoperable and useful EPC databases
crossCert – EPC Cross-testing Procedure
The Design of the crossCert Cross-Assessment Tests