Category Archives: People-Centred

X-TENDO partners surveyed end-users of EPCs, such as (potential future) building owners and occupants, on their needs, expectations, and views on the innovative features of next-generation EPCs. The insights gathered in this report were used to tailor the methodologies used to develop the X-TENDO framework

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Guest representatives (6 projects) of the Next Generation EPCertficates cluster of H2020 projects took part in the interactive activities (webinar) led by IRI-UL, targeted at all six projects to try to understand what people on the ground actually think about EPCertificates and their value

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The key aim of this report is to demonstrate the Identification and categorisation of end-users needs for U-CERT services and business models.

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This report aims to interpret all of the gathered perspectives and feedback in topical chapters to identify key features of next-generation user-centred EPCs.

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Set of tools and precise step-by-step guides on how to conduct the necessary ethnographic inquiry of national EPC schemes.

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