crossCert – Funding Options for Energy-Efficient Building Renovations Across Europe
This webinar delved into funding schemes for energy-efficient building renovations and the significance of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in accessing these subsidies
crossCert – Main project results
Summary of the main project results of the crossCert project
crossCert – EPCs as facilitators of one-stop shops
This report examines how EPCs and related products (databases, energy audits, building logbooks, BRPs, and others) can be integrated into the current national and regional one-stop shops of crossCert partner countries
crossCert – Linking next-generation of EPCs to energy audits, logbooks and BRPs
This report focused on linking next-generation EPCs with energy audits, BRPs, and logbooks to enhance building energy management
crossCert – Specifications for developing an EPC translating tool
This document aims to analyse the integration of EPCs in the Administration databases, identifying the current status of the existing databases and the barriers and challenges still to overcome to achieve fully interoperable and useful EPC databases
crossCert – Analysis of the current integration of EPC data
This document aims to analyse the integration of EPCs in the Administration databases, identifying the current status of the existing databases and the barriers and challenges still to overcome to achieve fully interoperable and useful EPC databases
crossCert – EPC Cross-testing Procedure
The Design of the crossCert Cross-Assessment Tests