Tag Archives: EPC Recast

The webinar delved into the role of the EPC Recast Project in contributing to sustainable and efficient buildings.

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This report delivers an EPC RECAST- EU Standards compatibility and compliance report and guidelines, presenting and detailing a step-by-step approach to implementing the associated standards

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This report describes the EPC RECAST activities concerning the development of the EPC recommendation layer in a user-friendly manner with user-centric indicators (UCIs)

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This report outlines the development and functionality of two software interfaces within the EPC RECAST project, aimed at enhancing energy performance assessments and proposing retrofit solutions for buildings: Online Assessor Interface and Renovation Roadmap Interface

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The EPC RECAST project has developed software tools to assist assessors and create the next
generation of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). This report describes the platform’s features and the tools that were implemented.

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The EPC RECAST project has defined a European and harmonized protocol as a “Data Model” to describe the building and has developed and integrated enrichment and verification methods into this protocol and linked this protocol to existing technical components to facilitate and make the data collected more reliable.

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This report specifies the EPC template proposed by EPC Recast for residential buildings, including a description of key performance indicators, rating scale, additional indicators such as IAQ, SRI, costs, use of metered energy and integration of the renovation roadmap.

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