EPBD.wise – Mapping Policy Needs for Effective 2024 EPBD Implementation
This report provides a detailed mapping of the policy needs that EU Member States face while implementing the 2024 EPBD. It focuses on identifying challenges and requirements associated with the directive’s main provisions, offering insights that will inform the development of the upcoming policy guidelines
EPBD.wise – Implementing Renovation Passports: Policy needs, status quo and best practices
This report documents the collected policy needs regarding the implementation of Renovation
Passports (RPs), in general, and specifically for the six focus countries (FC) of the EPBD.wise
project: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine
CHRONICLE – CHRONICLE tool suite for WLC assessment and climate neutral building renovation planning: 1st revision
In this deliverable, two major tools developed within the CHRONICLE project are presented, namely the Renovation Planner and the Investment Appraiser
TIMEPAC – Report on building Renovation Passports from enhanced EPC data
This report collects the feedback from workshops with representatives from Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain to gather their feedback. Through these workshops, valuable insights were gathered, aiding in identifying training requirements necessary for participants to actively contribute to advancing current certification practices
TIMEPAC – Report on EPC exploitation through advanced analysis
This report collects the feedback of local stakeholders engaged in building certification procedures.
TIMEPAC – Creating building renovation passports from data repositories
This report summarizes the work performed by TIMEPAC concerning creating Building Renovation Passports from data repositories
iBRoad2EPC – iBRoad2EPC perspectives #2: Public authorities views on the integration potential
The guides set the basis for the uptake and implementation of iBRoad2EPC at the national level beyond the duration of the iBRoad2EPC project
iBRoad2EPC – Revamping the iBRoad2EPC concept
the report suggests improvements to the iBRoad2EPC concept to enable dissemination and exploitation beyond the pilot countries
iBRoad2EPC – iBRoad2EPC perspectives #1: Stakeholders views on iBRoad2EPC adoption
Main iBRoad2EPC achievements and key project results are summarised in this brief final overview report aimed at non-experts
iBRoad2EPC – Straightforward guidance for better buildings – iBRoad2EPC’s layman’s report
Main iBRoad2EPC achievements and key project results are summarised in this brief final overview report aimed at non-experts