D^2EPC – Life Cycle Indicators for next generation EPCs
This report presents a set of environmental and energy indicators for the next generation of EPCs
D^2EPC – Human-Centric indicators and user profiles for next generation EPCs
This report delivers the methodology for the extraction of user behavioural profiles that influence the building’s dynamic performance from the scope of occupant’s comfort and well-being
D^2EPC – SRI Indicators for next generation EPCs
This report presents the finalized SRI calculation subcomponent of the D^2EPC platform
A methodology to estimate space heating and domestic hot water energy demand profile in residential buildings from low-resolution heat meter data
This paper introduces, tests, and compares several algorithms to separate and estimate the SH and DHW demand. To validate the presented methodology, a dataset of 28 Danish apartments with detailed energy monitoring (separated SH and DHW usage) is used.
Simulated Versus Monitored Building Behaviours: Sample Demo Applications of a Perfomance Gap Detection Tool in a Northern Italian Climate
The paper focuses on the application of a semi-automatic methodology to compare and evaluate thermal behaviours of buildings by considering monitored and simulated data.