Category Archives: Increasing value

Adaptations needed for the individual building renovation roadmap, logbook and integrated EPC/BRP concept to apply to multi-family and public buildings

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This report investigates the maturity and potential of the market in the six iBRoad2EPC implementing countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain) to expand their Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) through the integration of Building Renovation Passport (BRP) elements

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This report aims to better understand the relevance and link of Long-Term Renovation Strategies (LTRS) to recommendations being provided in Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) as well as Building Renovation Passports (BRPs)

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This deliverable outlines the functions and features of the EUB SuperHub platform’s main modules: E-passport cockpit (E-cockpit), Planning and Verification Tool (PVT) module, the Virtual Marketplace (VM) and the E-training module.

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This deliverable discuss existing literature about the impact of energy efficiency and sustainability improvements on the value of buildings by increasing its actual value and through the impact on operational costs

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