ePANACEA – Insights on user perceptions and needs regarding the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
This report includes the work done to complement the stakeholder analysis carried out in the ePANACEA context- Stakeholder interviews were conducted, primarily with the purpose of learning about end users’ knowledge, perception, use and interests regarding the EPC, as well as their behaviour regarding EEMs
D^2EPC – Motivational schemes for conscious energy users
This report includes a comprehensive and systematic approach strategically designed to collect, analyze, and utilize data essential for the creation of motivational schemes that encompass both rewards for energy efficiency and penalties for non-compliance
Understanding End-User Needs and Expectations of the Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates Scheme
X-TENDO partners surveyed end-users of EPCs, such as (potential future) building owners and occupants, on their needs, expectations, and views on the innovative features of next-generation EPCs. The insights gathered in this report were used to tailor the methodologies used to develop the X-TENDO framework