D^2EPC – Building renovation Roadmapping: an automated methodology framework for energy efficiency improvement and sustainable renovation planning
This study presents a methodology for automated retrofitting scenarios in buildings that enhances user awareness through meaningful visualisations and fosters collaboration of renovation professionals with interoperable software solutions
D^2EPC – Digital Twin application on next-generation Building Energy Performance Certification scheme
The present work introduces a framework for utilising cutting-edge digital technologies for evaluating the building’s performance in accordance with a holistic Energy Performance Certification (EPC) scheme
D^2EPC – Integration of Human Comfort Indicators in a Holistic Framework of Next-Generation Energy Performance Certificates
This study aimed to identify human comfort and well-being key performance indicators which could be included in the next-generation energy performance certificates
A methodology to estimate space heating and domestic hot water energy demand profile in residential buildings from low-resolution heat meter data
This paper introduces, tests, and compares several algorithms to separate and estimate the SH and DHW demand. To validate the presented methodology, a dataset of 28 Danish apartments with detailed energy monitoring (separated SH and DHW usage) is used.
Simulated Versus Monitored Building Behaviours: Sample Demo Applications of a Perfomance Gap Detection Tool in a Northern Italian Climate
The paper focuses on the application of a semi-automatic methodology to compare and evaluate thermal behaviours of buildings by considering monitored and simulated data.
A Comparative Study of Energy Performance Certificates across Europe
Using a sample of buildings across chosen European countries, this study compares different EPC frameworks in terms of their published methodologies and generated outputs.