Category Archives: Topics

This webinar delved into funding schemes for energy-efficient building renovations and the significance of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in accessing these subsidies

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How do European-wide ambitions and targets “land” differently across different countries in their renovation efforts? Is it difficult to harmonise new approaches in building energy efficiency when the existing approaches are themselves not harmonised?

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At this event, we highlighted the challenges and solutions of the foreseen changes in the recast EPBD for local authorities, especially shedding light on what role EPCs play in building renovation and how municipalities could turn them into powerful tools

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This paper documents the current variations of EPC frameworks across Europe and compares those with proposed next-generation EPC approaches from a range of European projects

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This paper reports on a cross-comparison of EPC methodologies to ascertain differences in numerical outputs and subsequent recommendations for buildings

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The Horizon-funded crossCert project investigates how EPC methodologies differ across countries, highlighting the implications of these differences on the performance gap and what that means for future innovations

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To optimize the influence of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) on energy efficiency, sustainability, and transparency in the built environment, promotion and marketing strategies should be considered an integral part of the policy implementation process

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The crossCert EPC Assessor’s Journey maps key steps by which they progress in their career. Each step of the journey represents a reflection point to understand the role of EPC Assessors better and search for future improvements to the existing system

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