ePANACEA – Inventory of smart and novel technologies
This report includes an inventory developed by the ePANACEA project, containing novel, smart and innovative technologies which have an impact on the building energy performance
EPC Recast – Policy recommendation paper for an EU wide deployment of EPC RECAST
This report presents policy recommendations for the deployment of EPC RECAST developments across EU Member States
EPC Recast – EU-standards compliance report and guidelines
This report delivers an EPC RECAST- EU Standards compatibility and compliance report and guidelines, presenting and detailing a step-by-step approach to implementing the associated standards
EPC Recast – User Centric Indicators and recommendation tool
This report describes the EPC RECAST activities concerning the development of the EPC recommendation layer in a user-friendly manner with user-centric indicators (UCIs)
EPC Recast – Online interfaces for EP assessment and renovation roadmap
This report outlines the development and functionality of two software interfaces within the EPC RECAST project, aimed at enhancing energy performance assessments and proposing retrofit solutions for buildings: Online Assessor Interface and Renovation Roadmap Interface
EPC Recast – EPC Data and EP assessment method from ISO/CEN
The EPC RECAST project has defined a European and harmonized protocol as a “Data Model” to describe the building and has developed and integrated enrichment and verification methods into this protocol and linked this protocol to existing technical components to facilitate and make the data collected more reliable.
EPC Recast – Data acquisition protocol for the geometry and semantics within the onsite visit
This report defines the EPC Recast data acquisition technique as part of an EPC visit