EPBD.wise – Mapping Policy Needs for Effective 2024 EPBD Implementation
This report provides a detailed mapping of the policy needs that EU Member States face while implementing the 2024 EPBD. It focuses on identifying challenges and requirements associated with the directive’s main provisions, offering insights that will inform the development of the upcoming policy guidelines
EPBD.wise – Energy Performance Certificates: Policy needs and best practices
This report investigates policy needs and good practices related to EPCs in six European countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine), aligning with the recent recast of the EPBD
EPBD.wise – Implementing Renovation Passports: Policy needs, status quo and best practices
This report documents the collected policy needs regarding the implementation of Renovation
Passports (RPs), in general, and specifically for the six focus countries (FC) of the EPBD.wise
project: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine
EPBD.wise – EPBD Article 9 – Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and trajectories for progressive renovation: Policy needs and analysis of good practice examples
This report addresses the implementation of Article 9, specifically minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for non-residential buildings and trajectories for progressive renovation of the residential building stock
EPBD.wise – National Building Renovation Plans and Zero-Emission Buildings: Policy needs and best practices
This report analyses policy needs concerning implementing NBRPs and ZEBs across the selected focus countries in the EPBD.wise project — Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine