This report identifies deficiencies and potential improvements in current EPC data quality across TIMEPAC participating countries.
On the national/regional level, the TIMEPAC partners analysed and compared the EPC data − in terms of input and output data − and collected the necessary information to analyse the input data quality, data sources, and ways of data determination. Information on the existing certification tools and/or protocols to validate the EPC data is provided, as well as the current procedures, methods, and instruments that detect essential data quality issues in the participating countries/regions (i.e., Austria-Province of Salzburg, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy-Regione Piemonte, Slovenia, Spain-Catalonia).
A methodology was followed to collect and compare data between the involved countries/regions, using a data collection sheet and comparison tables. The data collection sheet was structured in such a way as to gather information from partners through a bottom-up approach that follows a comprehensive collection of the available data.
The comparison tables were suitable to compare the information provided by the participating countries/regions (cross-country comparison) on the following research topics: “EPC data availability”, “Data source and determination”, “Input accuracy”, and “Overview of applications”. The tables are interrelated, i.e., the information coming from a table affects or is related to the subsequent one. In addition, the starting point (“EPC data availability”) and the ending point (“Overview of applications”) are strictly related to the elements of the EPC data flow placed just before and after the EPC data analysis, i.e., the EPC storage and the EPC exploitation, respectively.