TIMEPAC – Guidelines for the implementation of a continuous EPC workflow

TIMEPAC – Guidelines for the implementation of a continuous EPC workflow

This report focuses on identifying potential challenges to implement enhanced EPC schemes throughout the overall data, encompassing generation, storage, analysis and exploitation. 

The following issues will be further addressed in the work to be conducted next in the TIMEPAC project: 

  • Data integration from various sources for more effective EPCs by considering the building as a whole
  • EPC as a tool to support building renovation, integrating Building Renovation Passports (BRP) and Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • EPC enhancement with the Smart-Readiness Indicator and sustainability indicators to accelerate the creation of local, sustainable energy communities
  • Ensuring better EPC comparability among Member States
  • Training activities and learning materials for EPC experts, building operators and energy service providers to use the enhanced EPC schemas