The present work introduces a framework for utilising cutting-edge digital technologies for evaluating the building’s performance in accordance with a holistic Energy Performance Certification (EPC) scheme developed within the H2020 D^2EPC project. The first section introduces a stepwise approach for developing the Building Digital Twin (BDT) platform. The presentation of the incorporated technologies in the proper order, along with a description of the development philosophy provides the reader with a comprehensive DBT development roadmap. The second part includes a high-level presentation of the D^2EPC BDT scheme, elaborating on the component characteristics and their co-operation, towards delivering a novel EPC solution. The proposed digital twin architecture can also be used as the basis for future advancements in building documentation solutions (e.g. digital building logbooks) and facilitate the broader domain of energy efficiency in buildings.
D^2EPC – Digital Twin application on next-generation Building Energy Performance Certification scheme