This report documents two tasks carried out in the ePANACEA project: the developing process of the new EPC summary pages and the final acceptance test – testing and comparing the acceptance regarding current EPC schemes of the ePANACEA pilot countries (Spain, Belgium (Flemish region), Finland, Austria and Greece) and the new EPC summary pages.
The new EPC summary pages are the result of the integration of reflected feedback received from previous user interviews, workshops, REB meetings and project partners. Therefore, the version of this project first includes the information that the market demands, following what the ePANACEA methodology can deliver and what the revision of the EPBD envisages.
Within the ePANACEA project, a series of accompanying acceptance research methods were conducted, including interviews, standardized questionnaires and user workshops. For the final acceptance test, a third round of online user workshops with end-users and other stakeholders of EPC was conducted in the ePANACEA pilot countries (Spain, Belgium (Flemish region), Finland, Austria and Greece). The participants’ acceptance was mainly surveyed through online questionnaires, which were filled out during and after the workshop. To compare the acceptance regarding the EPC versions, workshop participants were divided into two groups: one group received the current and the other group the new EPC. The acceptance of EPC versions was tested based on, e.g. the understanding of information, the perceived ease of use and usefulness of the EPC, feelings regarding the presented EPC, attitude towards the presented EPC and the use intention. A t-test was calculated in order to find out whether the differences in answers between EPC groups were significant. In total, 159 participants took part in the third round of workshops, meeting the target number of 30 participants per workshop in four of five pilot countries.