D^2EPC – Building renovation Roadmapping: an automated methodology framework for energy efficiency improvement and sustainable renovation planning

D^2EPC – Building renovation Roadmapping: an automated methodology framework for energy efficiency improvement and sustainable renovation planning

This study presents a methodology for automated retrofitting scenarios in buildings that enhances user awareness through meaningful visualisations and fosters collaboration of renovation professionals with interoperable software solutions. Commercial design software (Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft ArchiCad) generates the Building Information Model (BIM) in the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) format. IFCs are processed by a parsing tool, which translates IFC files into a comprehensible data model. The proposed framework initially examines the asset-based elements and calculates as-designed energy consumption by extracting information from the produced data model. Based on conducted calculations, the proposed schema identifies mandatory renovation actions and generates scenarios for a variety of examined categories. The final output consists of a renovation roadmap that prioritises changes with the greatest impact based on the demand of the building’s stakeholders. The proposed methodology provides a promising approach to help building owners and stakeholders with the identification and prioritisation of energy-saving retrofitting actions, thus contributing to the achievement of energy efficiency goals.

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