Approved 30 May 2018
Amendment of Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency
This Directive introduced new concepts related to the next generation of energy performance certificates. The new articles/concepts introduced related to energy performance certificates were:
- An optional scheme for building renovation passports (Article 2a) is indicated as an example of policies and actions that the Member States shall encompass to stimulate cost-effective deep renovation of buildings.
- An optional common scheme for the rating of smart readiness of buildings (SRI) shall be established by the European Commission.
- The obligation for EPC databases to allow data from measurements or calculations of energy consumption in buildings with energy certificates (Article 10).
- Furthermore, at least aggregated anonymised data compliant with Union and national data protection requirements shall be made available on request for statistical and research purposes and to the building owner (Article 10).
- The Commission shall, before 2020, conclude a feasibility study, clarifying the possibilities and timeline to introduce the inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems and an optional building renovation passport that is complementary to the energy performance certificates, in order to provide a long-term, step-by-step renovation roadmap for a specific building based on quality criteria, following an energy audit, and outlining relevant measures and renovations that could improve the energy performance (Article 19a)
- Member States shall in particular, provide information to the owners or tenants of buildings on energy performance certificates, including their purpose and objectives, on cost-effective measures and, where appropriate, financial instruments, to improve the energy performance of the building, and on replacing fossil fuel boilers with more sustainable alternatives. Member States shall provide the information through accessible and transparent advisory tools such as renovation advice and one-stop-shops (Article 20).