EPBD.wise – Implementing Renovation Passports: Policy needs, status quo and best practices

EPBD.wise – Implementing Renovation Passports: Policy needs, status quo and best practices

This report documents the collected policy needs regarding the implementation of Renovation Passports (RPs), in general, and specifically for the six focus countries (FC) of the EPBD.wise project: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine. Of the six FCs, four defined RPs are a priority in the context of the project, namely Greece, Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine.

The compilation and review of challenges and policy needs is based on the results of other projects, studies, national contacts with stakeholders and literature review. In the case of the focus countries, various discussions and surveys have been carried out, analysed and further processed.

The following policy needs were identified:
(1) Ensuring low cost of implementing the RP scheme, avoiding additional burden for the administration.
(2) Ensuring low cost of RPs for building owners.
(3) Simplification of handling RPs in connection with Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).
(4) Integration of the RP scheme with existing elements, or building on them (if available), to incorporate the experience of previous phases, based on national initiatives or amending Directive (EU) 2018/844.
(5) Research of the building stock as a basis for designing the RP scheme.
(6) Efficient data collection and quality assurance processes, reuse of data and interoperability of databases, also in relation to the digital building logbook (DBL).
(7) Need for facilitators such as regional one-stop shops (OSS).
(8) Identification of elements to be included in RP-related financing, such as free advice and subsidised loans or non-repayable grants.
(9) Information and communication campaigns explaining RPs and why they are useful.

A set of general and specific criteria has also been developed to describe good practice examples.
These criteria relate to the challenges of implementing a Renovation Passport, and good practice examples are presented that provide a solution for one or more criteria.
Together with three other reports covering Energy Performance Certificates, National Building Renovation Plans and Minimum Energy Performance Standards, this report represents an essential first step in the EPBD.wise project, laying the foundational knowledge and strategic framework necessary for developing tailored and actionable policy recommendations in the next phases of the project.