TunES Project – EPC & SRI Practice collection

TunES Project – EPC & SRI Practice collection

The objective of the collection is to identify, describe, and iterate practices that have already successfully or are currently tested on EPC and SRI design, deployment, and implementation.

tunES will use the results to drive the national implementation plan of the revised EBPD and make all technological advances available to all national energy agencies and responsible ministries.

tunES describes the entire scope of EPC and SRI projects in five major building blocks. Each practice is linked to at least one of the following building blocks:

  • Integration of Instruments collects practices that integrate EPC and SRI and/or achieve harmonisation, efficiency and interoperability across EPC, SRI and other tools.
  • Understanding EPC collects practices for a better understanding of the EPC itself or linked results by all involved stakeholders.
  • Upgrading EPC collects practices on improving and optimising EPC methodology, generation process or indicators.
  • Databases and Tools collects practices on (existing or new) data infrastructure and tools requiring central or federated data management.
  • SRI Development and Deployment collects practices implementing SRI calculation methodology and necessary processes as well as linked use cases.