SmartLivingEPC – EPCs calculation and APIs v1

SmartLivingEPC – EPCs calculation and APIs v1

This report presents the current development of the first version of the EPC calculation modules, EPC calculation, and APIs for third-party applications.
The EPC calculation stands as a pivotal component towards the final SmartLivingEPC certificate. It´s an essential part of the computation of both engines within the project: Asset and Operational. These engines contribute to the performance-building evaluation, and their outcomes will be utilized from other components within the SmartLivingEPC framework. All indicators developed shall be combined and correlated to establish the ultimate SmartLivingEPC rating system at both building and complex levels. Firstly, the module for the SmartLivingEPC Asset rating system is conducted, which integrates indicators from the SRI analysis, energy and non-energy analyses, and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Weighted correlations are also implemented to conclude a unified score. Secondly, the Operational rating engine is described, considering multiple factors such as energy efficiency, indoor air quality, life cycle analysis, and operational indicators at the building complex level. Preliminary class diagrams for each calculation submodule are also delivered.
Additionally, the current progress of the RESTful interface development is presented. The API facilitates third-party applications to retrieve results.
The key objectives that serve as the primary focus of this deliverable are listed below.

  • Comprehensive overview of SLE methodologies associated with two platforms’ engines, i.e., the asset rating and operational rating certification.
  • Description of the EPC Calculation Infrastructure. A detailed explanation of the present calculation development and backend framework for the final EPC platform.
  • Test and Validation. First testing outcomes from the project’s pilot sites. The initial testing is included to provide insights into the practical performance of the methodologies.