crossCert – Report on training and education services for certified EPC issuers

crossCert – Report on training and education services for certified EPC issuers

Energy performance certification across Europe varies in methodology, requiring different levels of expertise among certifiers, as highlighted by the crossCert project. Training requirements for EPC issuers differ significantly by country, with some countries mandating training while others do not. According to the EPBD (recast) and the Energy Efficiency Directive, Member States must ensure EPCs are conducted by qualified experts and encourage participation in certification programs, assessing competence levels regularly.

This report reviews EPC issuer training schemes in ten European countries, using data from crossCert partners. It includes regulatory requirements, training criteria, and curricula and provides a comparative analysis. National stakeholders offered suggestions to improve training, including recent legislative changes, new technologies, and practical training. Recommendations include customizing training for various qualification levels, emphasizing practical application, and incorporating state-of-the-art technologies and deep renovation practices.