Outdoor Air Pollution: Calculation Procedures and Recommendations for Implementation

Outdoor Air Pollution: Calculation Procedures and Recommendations for Implementation

This post includes the following reports:

  • User guide and calculation tool for the indoor air purity index. This material comprises the Excel spreadsheets and the indoor air purity index user guide. The proposed method considers outside air quality and indoor air purity in the building with a ventilation system equipped with an air filter. This method indicates that buildings located in areas with high outdoor air pollution require higher air filtration system efficiency to get the same air purity inside the building as in the cases of locations with low outdoor air pollution.
  • User guide and calculation tool for the local air pollution contributor index. This material consists of Excel spreadsheets and a local air pollution contributor index user guide. The proposed method considers fossil fuel used in the building for heat and electricity generation for the functions included in the national EPC system. In the local air pollution contributor index assessment method, the calculated building emissions will be compared with reference emissions, and an index level will be assigned for each pollutant. The building emission indicators are calculated using the amount of building energy used and the type of the building energy source. Next, the reference emission indicators are calculated using reference delivered energy and reference energy sources. The reference values will be estimated based on national regulations. The ratio of building to reference emission indicators will be calculated using calculated values. The ratio of leading pollutants will be assessed using an index scale. The indexes show the building’s impact on outdoor air pollution compared to reference values.
  • Concrete implementation of new energy performance certificates features: testing and results in nine countries. This report summarises the outcomes of the testing activities for each of the ten features in one or several implementing countries. This is mainly based on the analysis of the evaluation questionnaires filled out by the implementing partners and the content of the testing results reports. The questionnaires hereby consist of general questions along the testing steps, questions on testing time and related costs, an evaluation against defined cross-cutting criteria (Quality and Reliability, User-friendliness, Economic feasibility, and Consistency with ISO/CEN standards) and final thoughts.
  • Implementation guidelines and replicability potential of the innovative feature for the next generation EPCs. This report brings together the outputs of the evaluation of the test projects alongside the insight from end-users and stakeholders. It includes estimations of (1) the barriers and drivers for the wide uptake of the feature, (2) the effects of the wider implementation of the developed innovative feature of EPCs in Europe and (3) the necessary next steps to implement the innovative feature in the certification schemes around Europe.

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